Liam Brannigan

Blog posts

Published on: 12th September 2022

Time series aggregations with groupby_dynamic

This post was created while writing my Data Analysis with Polars course. Check it out on Udemy

Time series aggregations in Polars are fast and flexible.

In a recent project I had 10 years of two minute data from telemetry and needed hourly averages -approx 2.5 million rows X 100 columns.

In Polars I used groupby_dynamic - turned out to be 10x faster than Pandas leading to happy clients!

# Create Polars DataFrame
df = pl.DataFrame({
df = pl.concat([df,pl.DataFrame(np.random.standard_normal((len(df),100)))],how='horizontal')

# Hourly groupby with Polars
# Time: 0.25 seconds

# Hourly groupby with Pandas
# Time: 2.5 seconds

Hourly groupby over 3-hour windows with Polars

To handle high-frequency variability I also needed to do this on 3-hour rolling windows.

Not a problem - you can specify the interval period to get the rolling average required with no performance cost.


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