Liam Brannigan

Blog posts

Published on: 3rd October 2022

Getting the largest values with Polars

This post was created while writing my Data Analysis with Polars course. Check it out on Udemy

When I’ve wanted to get the largest values in a dataframe I’ve always sorted the columns and then called .head.

That’s not the best way of doing this however. For the sort you need to compare all the values even though it’s just the small number of top values you really need to compare with.

The solution in Polars turns out to be the top_k method.

It has the same output as .sort.head, but is faster because it only cares about comparisons with the largest (or smallest) values.

In this simple example top_k is 2x faster than .sort.head

import polars as pl
import numpy as np

# Create a random DataFrame
N = 100000
dfNumeric = pl.DataFrame(np.random.standard_normal((N,100)))

# Top 3 values with .sort and .head
# Time: 180 ms

# Top 3 values with top_k
# Time: 90 ms

In general top_k scales as O(n * log(k)) whereas sorting the whole list scales as O(n * lon(n)). So using top_k makes a bigger difference as the difference between the number of elements you want compared to the total number of elements you have.

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